WCA/NH is the New Hampshire Chapter of the Women’s Caucus for Art. We are part of a national organization that promotes the advancement of women in the visual arts through educational programs, networking and exhibition opportunities. The New Hampshire Chapter is a thriving organization with about 100 members. WCA/NH offers several exhibitions a year, bi-annual members’ meetings and more.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations to WCA/NH are tax deductible.
State and Regional Exhibition Opportunities
Membership in the WCA/NH is open to all artists, from student to seasoned professional. WCA/NH offers a rich variety of juried and non-juried exhibition opportunities to our members. WCA/NH members include painters, sculptors, ceramicists, mixed-media artists, photographers, fiber artists, stained glass artists, video and digital artists, printmakers, jewelers and bead artists … the list is endless!
Social Media
WCA/NH’s ArtGenda email newsletter helps us keep in touch with our members and friends. The newsletter provides information about exhibit opportunities, deadlines, receptions, and news. Join our mailing list by emailing info@wcanh.org. Find us on Facebook and Instagram. Our newsletter and social media outlets are not limited to members, anyone can join to get the news. Connect with us, we’d like to keep in touch.
Pods are smaller informal circles of WCA/NH members (and non-members too, but we hope you will join!) who live nearby and want to connect to work, play, see shows together, etc.!